SPORTHEADS Digital Digest 2024 - Bestandsaufnahme der Digitalisierung im Sport

- Für den SPORTHEADS Digital Digest 2024 wurden erstmals Führungskräfte und Entscheider aus allen Bereichen des organisierten Sports nach Ihren Einschätzungen zur Digitalisierung gefragt. Dementsprechend soll unsere Analyse der Digitalisierung im Sport neue Einsichten und Ausblicke für Entscheider bieten. Denn über die Hälfte sind nicht mit dem Stand der Digitalisierung zufrieden.
- CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews)
- September - Oktober 2023
Business Climate Sports Business

- The SPORTHEADS Business Climate was developed as an indicator for the economic development of the sports business. Since the beginning of the Corona crisis in April 2020, we have been surveying the assessment of sports business executives in a regular survey. The focus is on the business situation, business expectations and interaction with employees, customers and suppliers.
- CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews)
- Quarterly survey
- Data is the gold of the 21st century - well-founded decisions based on market and opinion research are also a decisive advantage in sports. The SPORTHEADS FanLab is a community/customer research platform with all functionalities for modern market research 2.0, especially developed for clubs, associations, but also media and sponsors. Relevant and representative results within diverse stakeholder groups as well as a comprehensive service by the specialists of SPORTHEADS enable our customers to act target-oriented and legally secure.
- CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews)
- Individual
- Individual


- The SPORTHEADS Fanmonitor is a comprehensive, representative baseline study on interest in sports, fans and fan drivers. In its second edition in 2018, more than 70 sports and disciplines and sports were considered. With the help of the Fanmonitor, sports, target groups and personas can be analyzed and compared with regard to a variety of criteria, e.g. the popularity of a sport's most important events, media usage, attitudes or consumption intentions.
- CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews)
- n=2060
- May 2018
Salary survey

- For the first time, the Sports Business Salary Study offers managers and companies in the sports business an orientation in the area of remuneration structures. For this purpose, managers and executives from all relevant areas of sport were interviewed and analysed together with information from the SPORTHEADS database. The interviews with Marco Bode, Carsten Cramer, Dirk Ifsen and Carina Mayer offer a wide range of personal perspectives on the requirements of managers in the sports business.
- CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews) and expert interviews
- n=~2000
- August - September 2016