At SPORTHEADS, we combine industry know-how with our passion for sports. All partners have many years of management experience with leading players from the sports industry. They have gained a wide range of experience abroad and have successfully managed projects with international focus. Furthermore, the partners have a close connection to sports from their time as active athletes and know aspects of competitive sports from their own perspective.
Marcus Hochhaus held responsible positions in the KirchGroup and Constantin Entertainment AG, as well as being a successful management consultant in the media and sports industry. His education includes stations at universities in Bielefeld, Tübingen and Berlin, two semesters abroad in New Zealand and at the Film Academy Ludwigsburg. As a business graduate, he has a doctorate on the European film industry and is a lecturer at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Munich.
In terms of sports, he is primarily associated with the element of water: after his time as an active swimmer and water polo player, he is now a passionate skier.
Marc Mayer-Vorfelder founded the HR consultancy MV SPORTHEADS in 2014. Previously, the graduate in business administration (University of Bayreuth) held several positions in marketing and sports sponsoring at HypoVereinsbank and UniCredit in Munich and Milan, respectively. In addition to his excellent contacts in sports and his profound knowledge of sports business, he also supports people from the sports industry in career planning as a systemic coach.
His closeness to professional sports was shaped by his father's sporting functions, especially at VfB Stuttgart and the DFB. Besides soccer, his heart beats for running and several mountain sports.

Marc Mayer-Vorfelder
Managing Partner
- +49 172 7106 228
Marcel Cordes studied mathematics and sports science in Bremen and Cologne and combines many years of international management experience with specialist expertise in research. Initially as a board member at SPORT+MARKT and later as President Europe of Repucom (now Nielsen Sport), he played a key role in shaping the development of the sports business with the help of research and market intelligence. He subsequently served on the management board of setOne, and as General Manager Europe of the Interpublic Group agency FUTURES Sport & Entertainment in Düsseldorf and London.
As a sailor, pilot and skier he combines different perspectives also from a sportive point of view.

Dr. Marcus Hochhaus
Managing Partner
Marcus war in verantwortlichen Positionen in der KirchGruppe und der Constantin Entertainment AG, sowie als erfolgreicher Management-Berater in der Medien- und Sportindustrie tätig. Seine Ausbildung umfasst Stationen an Universitäten in Bielefeld, Tübingen und Berlin, zwei Auslandssemester in Neuseeland sowie an der Filmakademie Ludwigsburg. Er hat zur europäischen Filmwirtschaft promoviert und ist Dozent an der Hochschule Fresenius in München.
In terms of sports, he is primarily associated with the element of water: after his time as an active swimmer and water polo player, he is now a passionate skier.

Marc Mayer-Vorfelder
Managing Partner
Marc Mayer-Vorfelder hat 2014 die Personalberatung MV SPORTHEADS gegründet. Zuvor war der studierte Diplom-Kaufmann (Universität Bayreuth) in mehreren Positionen im Marketing und Sportsponsoring der HypoVereinsbank sowie der UniCredit in München und Mailand tätig. Neben seinen exzellenten Kontakten im Sport und seinem fundierten Wissen im Sportbusiness bringt er sich auch als systemischer Coach ein, um Kunden aus der Sportbranche in der Karriereplanung zu unterstützen.
Der Fußball wurde Marc bereits in die Wiege gelegt und hat auch seine aktive Zeit als Sportler bestimmt. Heute ….

Marcel Cordes
Managing Partner
Marcel Cordes ist Dipl. Sportwissenschaftler und anerkannte Experte im Bereich Research. Zunächst als Vorstand bei SPORT+MARKT später als President Europe von Repucom (heute Nielsen Sport) hat er die Entwicklung des Sportbusiness mit der Hilfe von Research und Market Intelligence maßgeblich geprägt. Im Anschluss war er in der Geschäftsleitung der setone und als General Manager Europe der Interpublic Group Agentur FUTURES Sport & Entertainment in Köln und London tätig.
Im Anschluss an seine aktive Zeit als …. Ist er heute leidenschaftlicher Segler und Flieger …
The advisory board supports the development of SPORTHEADS as an impulse generator, resonance space and advisor. The diverse and very different perspectives, experiences and networks of our advisory board members are very valuable for the further development of SPORTHEADS. We can also draw on our advisory board for content when needed and for specific questions.

Wolfgang Holzhäuser
Chairman of the Advisory Board
Former partner SPORTHEADS,
Managing Director Bayer 04 Leverkusen and DFB/DFL

Arnd Benninghoff
EVP games and esports MTG AB, Chairman ESL/Turtle, former CDO P7S1 Media

Annette Schwarz
Head of HR SSB AG, former Head of HR DFB, HR Project Manager UEFA Euro 2020 and UEFA Euro 2024, Head of HR VfB Stuttgart

Bernd Wahler
Member of the Supervisory Board/Advisory Board of Blackroll AG, LYMB iO. GmbH, HYPE Sportsinnovation, MCF Corporate Finance, Former CMO adidas, GM Nike, President VfB Stuttgart

Max Lehmann
Chief Talent & HR Officer FTI Touristik, former GF HR Sixt Leasing SE, Head of HR UniCredit Direct Services

Dr. Michael Vesper
President of the German Horse Racing Association, former CEO DOSB and Deputy Minister President of NRW

Wolfgang Niersbach
Former President DFB and Editor-in-Chief SID